Parent Testimonials

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5 Stars

455 Reviews | Average Rating: 5

5 Stars

Dear Dr. Baker, My name is Keith Ruby. I am the father if Austin Ruby. You my not remember Austin, but I am writing this on his 20th birthday. He was born on November 21, 2000, at Fair Oaks Hospital and a few days later transferred to the NICU at Fairfax Hospital. During his 7-week stay, you and Dr. North were the primary doctors I recall caring for him. Austin had many trials during his first 7 weeks: a massive cranial hemorrhage precipitated by a temporarily non-functional liver, wild blood sugar spikes and valleys, and inability safely to swallow and keep formula down. He had a g-tube inserted and a nissen fundoplication to enable safe feeding. When he was finally ready to go home, you arranged for Hospice care. I recall our last conversation with you as we were preparing to leave. You said, “When you get home you are going to think, they sent him home to die, and you will be right.” Three months later, Hospice arranged to transition service to because they had determined that he was in no hurry to die. Those first seven weeks have certainly left their mark on Austin. He is profoundly intellectually challenged and is still dependent on a feeding tube for his nutrition. He has endured several surgeries to help provide him a more comfortable life. Even with these challenges, Austin has the purest joy that I have ever seen; when he smiles you cannot help but smile with him. He has calibrated my personal moral compass and taught me what it is to be a man and a father, and I have found that there is unimaginable joy in the smallest things life has to offer. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and all the NICU staff for the gift of my life with Austin. God Bless Keith (Dad) Ruby
5 Stars

Hello, my name is Deborah Fincham 29 years ago today I met one of the most important men in my life Dr. James clayton He along with others saved my son Joshua Boyles life. He was born at 24 weeks, and was a 1lb 1/2 . Thank you Dr. Clayton Josh has grown into a wonderful man. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. Much love Debbie

5 Stars

Excellent! These doctors know what they're doing. World class care. They were so careful and managed my son's NICU stay so well that we felt relieved informed and educated and able to focus on next milestone every day of the stay. They are simply the best. Thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts.

5 Stars

The NICU at INOVA Fairfax Hospital were amazing beyond our belief! They have been on top of their game when it comes down to the care and well being of our son, who was born at 35 weeks. They were very helpful in educating my husband and myself in regard of post discharge care and answered all of our questions with confidence. I am forever grateful that I picked this hospital prior to the delivery based on all the great reviews I have read about the hospital, especially the NICU because I much rather have a peace of mind, knowing that our son will be in great hands, one way or other. I especially am grateful for the sensitivity and care they have shown towards my husband and myself, as first time parents with an infant who ended up in a NICU. A huge thank you to every nurse and doctor who worked tirelessly to ensure that our son is healthy and strong enough to go home!

5 Stars

Hello, my name is Melissa and I had my twins (boy and girl) at 32w 5 days at Inova fairfax. My twins spent a month in NICU (the meadow) and were just released last week. I sincerely want to thank ALL the phenomenal NICU nurses and doctors that cared for my babies, from the bottom of my heart thank you. Although, it was tough not having my babies home, the NICU in fairfax made me feel assured that my babies were well taken care of. From the receptionist in the front, to the scrap booking volunteers and child life, every aspect of the NICU in fairfax fell nothing short of excellence.

5 Stars

Dear Staff,
I can not express how thankful we are for all you guys did for my baby Leonardo!
Thank you for excellent service and professionalism!

With Respect,
María G Martinez González

5 Stars

Hola mi nombre es Wendy estoy muy agradecida con los doctores de Nicu mi hijo nació 6 semanas antes y gracias a mi Dios y los doctores mi bebé hoy en día está súper bien creciendo muy saludables gracias a la ayuda y cuidado que mi bebé recibió en Nicu. Bendiciones para los doctores y alas enfermeras que tratan con tanto amor a los pequeños angelitos que luchan por sus vidas ??♥️

5 Stars

Hola Mi nombre es wendy tenia un embarazo de alto riesgo y los doctores que trabajan en NICu me explicaron el cuidado y el procedimiento que tendria mi bebe cuando naciere, llego el dia un julio 13 llego mi pequeño Samuel de 28 semanas y 2 dias.
Tan chiquito tan fragil y luchando por su propia vida, los doctores junto a un sin numero de enfermeras se encargaron de cuidar alimentar a mi bebe.
Mi ingles no es muy bueno y ahi estubo margarita una d elas trabajadoras sociales e interprete de español que siempre me hablo con respeto buena vibra, DOY GRACIAS A DIOS A LOS DOCTORES Y ALGUNAS ENFERMERAS por aver cuidado con amor y por salvarle la vida a mi hijo MUCHAS GRACIAS ?❤

5 Stars

Nuestras bebés mellizas nacieron cuando tenían solamente 29 semanas y pesaban un poco más de 1 kilo cada una. Como resultado de esto, tuvieron que pasar casi dos meses en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos para Neonatales (UCIN) en el Hospital Inova de Fairfax. No podríamos haber escogido un mejor lugar para que cuiden a nuestras bebés mientras eran prematuras. La UCIN del Hospital Inova de Fairfax está formado por un equipo maravilloso de profesionales altamente calificados, cuyo trabajo y dedicación hacen que ocurran milagros todos los días. Los doctores y el equipo de enfermeras no solamente están entre los mejores del país, sino que también está lleno de compasión y es muy empático con las familias de sus pacientes. El equipo administrativo es también extremadamente eficiente, lo que simplifica mucho el poder navegar las complejidades burocráticas de cualquier estancia que uno pudiese tener en una UCIN. No hay suficientes palabras de agradecimiento ni cumplidos que podríamos dar a todo el equipo que trabaja en la UCIN del Hospital Inova de Fairfax. Nuestra familia está eternamente agradecida con ellos por el excelente cuidado que dieron a nuestras bebés y el apoyo emocional que nos proveyeron, el cual fue fundamental para que pudiésemos superar este difícil momento en nuestras vidas.

5 Stars

Our twin baby girls were born at 29 weeks with just over 3 pounds each and had to spent almost two months at the Inova Fairfax NICU before coming home with us. We could have not asked for a better place to have them been taken care off while they were premature. The Inova Fairfax NICU is formed by an amazing team of highly-skilled professionals whose work and dedication make miracles happen every day. The doctors and nursing staff are not only among some of the best in the nation, but they are also very compassionate and empathic with families. The administrative staff is also extremely efficient, which makes navigating the complexities of the NICU easy. There are not enough wonderful things that we could say about the entire Inova Fairfax NICU team. We are forever grateful to them for the excellent care that they provided to our baby girls and the constant emotional support that our family received, which was fundamental to help us overcome this difficult time in our lives.

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